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Friday, 29 June 2012
Time for a Pow Wow!
We enjoyed our Art's Week so much last week that we have continued with some of the activities into this week too! The drum is instrumental to the culture of the Native American and a centrepiece of a pow wow. The drum helps everyone attending the pow wow to achieve balance and feel the heartbeat of the Earth Mother. We made up some chants and kept the beat steady using our drum that we made last week, and then we performed a rain dance! This is a ceremonial dance that many Native American tribes have performed for centuries, usually during the late summer months when rain is needed for crops and droughts most often occur. After the weather we have been having recently, we don't think we need to worry about a drought though! Have you got a favourite type of dance that you like to perform?
Monday, 25 June 2012
A little reminder for the week . . .
- Thank you to all parents that have returned their sponsorship forms for the British Heart Foundation. Please can any outstanding forms and all money be brought into Nursery before Friday of this week. Thank you.
- Parent meeting request forms were due back today (Monday) - appointments will be sent out in due course.
- If your child usually attends Nursery on a Monday or Tuesday, please ensure you have returned your form regarding collection arrangements for the Reception Induction morning sessions. Thank you.
- There will be a Red, White and Blue Mufti Day on Friday - donations for the Summer Fair!
Friday, 22 June 2012
Art from Around the World . . .
For our focus on Asian Art, we created our own 'Chinese Plum Blossom' . Using black and brown paint, we blew through a straw to create the branches and then added fingerprint blossom!
We had fun creating our Native American Headdresses and Totem Pole! We have also made some wonderful masks which you will be able to see at our Open Evening, along with our Aboriginal and African themed creations.
Artie's Olympics . . .
We were very fortunate with the weather on Monday morning and were able to hold our first Sports Day out on the school field to help raise money for the British Heart Foundation. The children had lots of fun participating in races such as the 'Bucket and Beanbag', Obstacle' and 'Getting Ready for the Beach'!
Sadly however, the heavy rain at the end of the week meant that we had to cancel the event for our second group of budding athletes and their parents as the conditions out on the field were too dangerous. Staff, children and parents were obviously very disappointed, but it would not have been safe to proceed. We did however, take the children into the hall to enable them to do some mini-races as they had worked so hard to raise their sponsorship. We are delighted with the amount of money that has been raised so far and we will let you know the final total once all the sponsor forms have been returned. We will of course, try and fit in an alternative 'Sports Afternoon' for parents to attend if at all possible before the end of term, weather permitting!
Monday, 18 June 2012
A little reminder for the week . . .
- We have had our first sports day today (Monday) and will have our second one on Friday - please ensure children come suitably dressed!
- Any outstanding sponsor forms can be brought into nursery this week (by Friday please) - thank you to all those that have already returned them
- Last week the children brought home their wonderful designs for the pack of cards. If you would like to place an order, please ensure that the order form and art work are returned by Friday 22nd June. Thank you.
Friday, 15 June 2012
Happy Fathers Day!
This week we have been thinking about how great our dads are! We read the story 'My Dad is Brilliant' by Nick Butterworth and then talked about why we love our dad so much. We thought carefully about what they looked like before drawing great pictures of them to go on the front of their card, and then baked them a very special 'daddy' biscuit! We hope all our dads have a lovely day on Sunday - and enjoy eating their biscuit!
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
My Marvellous Magic Medicine
We had a great Everybody Writes Day. We made some 'marvellous magic medicine' to make poorly people better. We put in washing up liquid, shaving foam, flour, tomato ketchup to name but a few. We loved mixing all the ingredients together and watching it change colour, texture and smell. We poured it through the funnels into bottles before writing our labels for our 'marvellous magic medicine.'
Monday, 11 June 2012
A little reminder for the week . . .
- If any of the children made a Castle or Palace during the half-term holiday, can they please bring them into Nursery this week. Many thanks.
- We have our Sports days next week (Monday 18th at 9:30am and Friday 22nd at 1:15pm) - please can all sponsor forms and money be brought into school by this Friday (15th June). Thank you.
- Next week is also the school's Arts Week! Although we obviously have art aprons within the Nursery, please feel free to send your child in with a protective top to go over their clothes just in case!
Friday, 8 June 2012
Jubilee Celebrations . . .
Look at the wonderful crowns and book marks that we designed, we also made some flags and bunting to decorate our courtyard.
We dressed up in red, white and blue for our celebrations and enjoyed a Royal Tea Party!

What did you do to celebrate?
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