Monday, 29 April 2013

A little reminder for the week . . .

  • Just to let you know that this week will be Week 2 on the menu if your child is having a school dinner. Thank you for remembering to include a copy of your child's choice of food for each day as this allows the whole process to run smoothly!
  • Your child should have brought home a little note regarding our May Day celebrations, but just a reminder that if possible, we would like everyone to bring in a flower on Tuesday or Thursday of this week (depending on their sessions!). Many thanks, and happy May Day!

Star of the Week!

Our Star's of the Week for last week were Ocean, Tanya and Jayden. Congratulations and well done to you all!

Friday, 26 April 2013

How to plant a Sunflower . . .

We have enjoyed some story books this week about Sunflowers, and thought it would be fun to plant our own - then have a competition to see which one grows the tallest!

Joel explained what we did:

First we put soil in the pot.

Then we put the seed in and a bit more soil. 

And then we watered it.

Perhaps you could follow Joel's instructions and plant some of your own seeds at the weekend. Let us know what you have planted!

Sequencing Flowers . . .

We had enjoyed talking about our gardens and this week, we had a rhyme about some flowers that were different heights. We used an activity on the computer where we had to try and put the flowers in order from the tallest to the shortest. We came up with lots of different vocabulary between us that we used. Here are a few examples: 'big', 'small', 'medium', 'bigger', 'smaller', 'tall', 'little', 'tiny'.

Can you think of any other words we could have used? Let us know!

Happy St. George's Day!

As you know, it was St. George's Day on Tuesday. We enjoyed watching a video clip about how some other children prepared for, and then celebrated this special day - some of us were a bit scared of the dragon when we first saw it, but then St. George came to the rescue!

Afterwards, we cut out and decorated our own shield and then we finished with a lovely story written by Chris Wormell. There was a huge and terrifying dragon in the story who was afraid of only one thing - a very small mouse named George! 

Did you do anything special to celebrate on Tuesday? We would love to hear about your experiences.

Monday, 22 April 2013

A little reminder for the week . . .

  • Thank you to everyone that has already returned their NEF form - please can all others be in by Friday at the latest. Many thanks.
  • Another little reminder that the kitchen are continuing with the menu choices from last term. This week will be 'Week 1' - please ensure that you send in a copy of what you would like your child to eat for each day in order that it can be prepared and ready for collection from the Lunch Club staff. Thank you.

Star of the Week!

Our Stars of the Week for last week were Codey, Elliot, Abigail and Sinead. Congratulations and well done to all of you!

Friday, 19 April 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Having sung the rhyme about Mary Mary Quite Contrary, we thought about our own gardens  - do you like the pretty flowers that Tanya has drawn in her lovely garden? 
She told us "I use a spade to dig. I make a little hole and cover it with earth and water it. And then we went to bed - it grows!"

Grace said "I help mummy plant gardens. We grow flowers with seeds - wait for them to grow!"

Ellie-May told us "The seed might grow into a plant. I've got loads of flowers at my house"

And George said "I know all about gardening - You put seeds in the soil first, then you water it and you wait and then it grows. The sun keeps it warm"

Katie told us "When you water them, the sunshine comes up and makes the flowers grow" Then when she drew her picture, she said "It's night time at my house!" -  can you see the dark night sky? Which colour do you think she used?

What is your garden like? We would love to see some photographs or drawings!

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary . . .

This week we have been having lots of fun based around the rhyme of Mary, Mary! During our hall session we placed lots of flowers on the floor to turn it into Mary's garden. We told Mary that we would stay and look after her flowers for her, but when she went inside her house, we explored different ways of moving around the garden (making sure we didn't bump into anybody or anything!) and then when we heard the silver bells, we quickly went back to our flower and made a statue so that she didn't know what we had been up to!

We moved in lots of different ways including jumping, hopping, giant strides, on tip-toe and side-way steps. Can you think of any other ways we could have tried? We would love to hear your suggestions.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Nest Building

Today we heard the birds singing in the trees and we spotted a nest very high up in a tree. We talked about why birds build nests. They need a home, a place to lay their eggs and care for their chicks. We learnt that birds build their nests’ in places off the ground so the eggs and chicks are safe from wind, rain, strong sun and predators such as foxes, cats and people We then had a go at making our own nests using twigs, leaves and dried grass. We then put an egg in our nests to see if they would hold an egg safely, and they all did!

What do you think of our nests? We had the advantage of having 2 hands. It must be tricky with just a beak!

Monday, 15 April 2013

Star of the Week!

Our Stars of the Week from the final week of the Spring Term were Laura and Eva - well done and congratulations to both of you.

Welcome Back!

We would like to welcome you all back after the Easter break and hope that you had an enjoyable couple of weeks despite the disappointing weather conditions!
You will shortly be receiving a copy of the Wellie Wednesday letter and also our Summer Term information letter with our activity focus over the coming weeks and  a list of provisional dates for your diary.
In the meantime however, here are a few little reminders for the week ahead!

  • There have been a few queries regarding the Lunch Menu for this week - we have been asked to inform you that the old menu will carry on from last term and that this will be Week 4. Please check with a member of staff if you require clarification.
  • Can we please also remind you that if your child is having a school dinner, you need to ensure that you write down their menu choice for each day and bring it into school so that their meal can then be prepared for them and be ready for collection by the Lunch Club staff. Many thanks.
  • You will all receive you NEF form this week - please ensure that you complete it and return to school by next week, thank you.
Let's hope that we start to see an improvement in the weather with some nice warm sunny days to look forward to - enjoy the term ahead!