As the completion of our first half-term in Nursery is fast approaching, we have been thinking about some of favourite things that we have enjoyed doing during our self-initiated sessions . . .
Drawing a Polar Bear!
Dressing up and doing puzzles!
Taking a train on a wonderful adventure!
We also asked the children what their favourite thing about being at our Nursery is - here are just a few of their responses:
"I love doing my pictures" (Alyssa)
"I like the numbers - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 - I can count to 100!" (Thomas M)
"It's fun!" (Lexie-Mai)
"When I come to see the teachers here! I like playing with the train track" (Evan W)
"Painting! They make the sun shine - so bright like the stars, twinkle in the night" (Ruby)
We'd love to hear what you think you would enjoy about being at our Nursery - let us know!