Friday, 26 May 2017

How Many Flowers?

We went out onto the field to explore some 'addition' with our flowers!
We took turns to roll the dice, and collect the corresponding number of flowers for the first, and then the second hoop.
We talked about which had 'more' or 'fewer' flowers in, then counted them to find out how many flowers there were altogether!

Which colour hoop has got 'more' flowers in it?
Which colour hoop has 'fewer' flowers in it?

Can you count how many flowers there are altogether?

Super Sunflowers!

We have been creating our own interpretations of Van Gogh's 'Sunflowers' painting . . .

Joshua E

Ben F

We hope you like the results!

Van Gogh has done lots of other famous paintings - do you have a favourite one?
We would love to hear which it is - let us know!

Monday, 22 May 2017

Star of the Week!

Congratulations to Caleb, Maggie and Skylar for being awarded 'Star of the Week'.

Well done to all of you!

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Our Plants Have Started To Grow!

It was very exciting when we noticed that some of our plants had started to grow. We have been drawing what they look like now, and predicting what we think will happen next . . . 

"It's got two green leaves and it's growing 
out of the soil" 
"A round flower, right in the middle" (William)

"The roots have gone down inside the compost. It looks like a green plant with 
two leaves on top"
"I think it will look like a beautiful flower and it will be yellow" (Arlana)

We are looking forward to seeing what changes take place over the next few weeks!

Five Little Beanstalks!

We have been singing a rhyme about 'Five Little Beanstalks' this week - we liked the part when the 'hungry snail' came along!
We went on a 'leaf hunt' to find 
some more leaves . . . 
Which numeral can you see on this one?
We compared how many leaves each of us had found, then worked together to order the numerals from one to twenty - now we have got a 'leaf' number line!

Do you know any other rhymes about beanstalks?
We would love to hear them - let us know! 

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Wriggly Worms!

We were hungry birds today and searched for wriggly worms. We found red, purple, black, brown and green worms! The red and purple ones the easiest to spot but the green and brown were tricky to find as these were camouflaged - disguised by the colour the natural environment. 

Which colour wriggly worm do you think is the most camouflaged?

Monday, 15 May 2017

Star of the Week!

Congratulations to Emmie, Jacob and Rory for being awarded 'Star of the Week'.

Well done to each of you!

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Different Flowers, Different Sizes!

Having sorted our May Day flowers according to their colour and petal shape, this week we have looked at the height of some different flowers.
After we had looked at and sequenced a few together, the children took turns to use an activity on the computer to put the flowers in height order and describe them in relation to their size.

They used lots of different size-related vocabulary including:

'Little, big, bigger, biggest, short, shorter, shortest, medium, tall, taller, long, longer, longest, small, smaller, smallest, tiny, highest'

How would you have described the height of each flower?  
Would you have used any different vocabulary?
Let us know! 


Planting Time!

We have been reflecting on how we planted our seeds and beans last week . . . 

1. Put some compost 
in a pot

2. Make a hole and add the seed or bean

3. Remember to 
water it!

We are going to show 'stickability' as we wait for our plants to grow!

You could follow our instructions and plant some seeds of your own.

Let us know what you have planted!

Monday, 8 May 2017

Star of the Week

Congratulations to Arlana, Jasper and Harry R - who have all been awarded 'Star of the Week'.

Well done!

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Dancing Round the May Pole!

We have been finding out about the tradition of celebrating May Day . . . 
It was lots of fun dancing round the May Pole!
We gathered some 'May Day' flowers . . .
Then looked at different ways of sorting them!

Can you see which criteria we used?

How else do we think we might 
have sorted them?

How many would have been in each group?

Did you do something special to 
celebrate May Day?
Let us know!

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary!

We have been singing this traditional rhyme, and thinking about what the children know already about 'growing' . . .
Here are just a few of their ideas:

Arlo - "You can get some water and tip it on the tree and the tomatoes grow."

Jenson - "You put a seed into a hole and then it will grow into a strawberry plant. You need to water it."

Zak - "When you put the seed in it makes it grow into a carrot."

Arlana - "The flowers grow in the garden with water. Butterflies smell them."

Sam - "You can grow a beanstalk. You give them some water - it will grow bigger."

William - "My grass grows in my garden. The sunshine lets it grow, and water."

We are going to incorporate all of these ideas into our new garden display board!

What do you like about your own garden? 
Let us know!

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Nest Building

Today we heard the birds singing in the trees and we spotted a nest very high up in a tree. We talked about why birds build nests. They need a home, a place to lay their eggs and care for their chicks. We learnt that birds build their nests in places off the ground so the eggs and chicks are safe from wind, rain, strong sun and predators such as foxes, cats and people.We then had a go at making our own nests using twigs, leaves and dried grass. We then put some marbles in our nests to see if they would hold an egg safely, and they all did! 

What do you think of our nests? We had the advantage of having 2 hands. It must be tricky with just a beak!

Star of the Week!

Congratulations to Eve and Lola who have been awarded 'Star of the Week' for the start of the Summer Term.

Well done to both of you!

Our Hopes and Dreams!

They may seem slow and heavy, but tortoises have lived for hundreds of years. They always get where they need to go. 
If we don't give up and stick at it we can achieve our dreams!
The children have been sharing some of their hopes and dreams for the future . . . 

George - "I think I'd like to play football and score lots of goals like my daddy!"

Gracie - "I'd like to be a doctor and look after people."

Flynn - "I want to be a farmer. I'd get some food for the animals. I'd have cows and pigs."

Mila - "I'd like to be able to do handstands and cartwheels." 

Lola - "I would like to drive. My daddy can show me then I can do it myself."

We are going to help each other to keep going and to show 'stickability'!

What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
Let us know!

Our New Darwin Focus - Stickability!

Our new Darwin Focus for this half-term is 'Stickability'.
Take a look at the following to find out more . . .