Saturday 30 September 2017

Star of the Week!

Congratulations to Olivia and Colby for being awarded our 'Star of the Week'.

Well done to both of you!

Monkey Puzzle

We have loved sharing our second Julia Donaldson book . . . 

Click here to find out what some of the children said about the story and to hear it for yourself!

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Our First Wellie Wednesdays

 We have really enjoyed our first 'Wellie Wednesday' sessions. 
We have had fun exploring the Forest School area.

We went on a dinosaur hunt and found 30 dinosaurs!
Can you name these 3 dinosaurs?

We are really looking forward to our next Forest School session.

Monday 25 September 2017

Star of the Week!

Last week Sophie and Lucas were awarded 
'Star of the Week'.

Congratulations and well done to both of you!

Sunday 24 September 2017

Tyrannosaurus Drip!

This term we are going to have Julia Donaldson as our focus author. The first book we have chosen to share is a dinosaur one!

to find out more!

Friday 22 September 2017

Our Dino Diner!

Inspired by this great story, we decided to set up our own 'Dino Diner'!

We thought about what we would need, then set about creating . . .

Everyone was very excited - particularly when everything was nearly ready . . .

Now we are all looking forward to using it next week!

What would you include on the menu?

Post us a comment and let us know!

Thursday 21 September 2017

Star of the Week!

We are so proud of how well the children are settling in!

Since the start of term, there have been lots of 'Stars' including Beau, Theo M R, Jessica, Georgia, Alfie D, Pip and Oliver.

Congratulations and well done to you all!

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Making New Friends!

Some friendly dinosaurs came to visit us in the Nursery!

They were very shy to begin with and a little bit worried about how they would settle in.

We talked about how we could make sure that they felt safe and happy and created our own 'Douggie Dino's Nursery Charter'!

We are all going to help each other to remember what we have agreed and ensure that our Nursery is always a safe and happy place to be!

Our Darwin Focus . . .

Our new Darwin Principle for this half-term is 'Changeability' - we hope the following will provide you with a useful insight into what it is all about!

Saturday 9 September 2017

It's Time To Go To School!

Welcome to the Autumn Term in Nursery!

This week we have had a lovely time getting to know our new children. They have each spent a day with us and have had fun exploring their new environment - inside and out! 

We shared a great story, our favourite part was when we all did a huge loud 'RAAAAAAAAAAAAHH' together, just like the dinosaurs! 

It was great to hear that everyone is looking forward to coming back again next week - we have lots of exciting things planned - including finding out some more about dinosaurs!

We would love to know what your favourite part of your first day at school was - post us a comment and let us know!