Friday 27 September 2013

Harvesting the Wheat!

Just like the Little Red Hen, we have been very busy again this week! 
Each group worked together to create a wonderful salt-dough wheatsheaf and then we all made a delicious bread roll to take home and eat with our tea!  
Maisy said "It's all going soggy and squidgy" when the water was added to the flour and yeast!
What shape would you have rolled your dough into?

Something magical happened when we left the rolls under the tea-towel in a warm place before we put them in the oven - they grew bigger! What changes do you think happened to them once they went in the oven?

Have you got a favourite recipe that you use for making bread? We would love you to send it to us if you have.

1 comment:

  1. The bread roll was eaten on the bike before we even got home. It was 'lovely'- apparently! Noah has been talking a lot about the harvest and loves playing with his combine harvester. He enjoyed choosing things for the harvest- it's great for the children to think of what other people might not have and need.
