Friday 8 November 2013

Remember, Remember the 5th of November!

This week we have focussed our adult-led activities around Bonfire Night!
We re-enforced finger matching and one to one correspondence with a number rhyme about five little rockets, and everyone printed five stars in the night sky - some children used a combination of silver stars and gold stars.
How many different ways can you think of to make a total of five?

It was lots of fun exploring different media to create firework patterns! We had a go with the giant chalks, paint brushes and water on the blackboard and on the ground, wax crayons, pastels and felt-tip pens on long strips of wallpaper, our fingers in the damp sand, and used scarves, ribbons and streamers in our hands to dance to firework music!

Some of the children enjoyed this so much that they continued throughout the week during their self-initiated sessions and included hand-print fireworks, painting spinning Catherine Wheels, and sprinkling on glitter!

Here are a few quotes from the children about their experiences relating to bonfires and fireworks:

Jasmine - "They were banging and starry"

Oliver S - "Ella and me saw fireworks, blue and green and purple and red and orange. It went 'pop' like a balloon"

Daisy - "I'm going to one today. I'm going to take my teddy. We have to make a Guy, we paint his face. We put him in the bonfire"

We watched a video clip about keeping safe on Bonfire Night prior to going outside to watch and listen to a Sparkler (held by one of the adults!) - we made sure we followed the firework code and kept well back. When we went back inside we created our own set of safety rules in our groups - we are going to add these to our Bonfire Night display that we have been creating.

If you are celebrating this weekend, we hope you have a wonderful time - but please remember to look after your pets as well as each other - follow the firework code and have a very safe night!

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