Friday 6 December 2013

The countdown to Christmas begins!

There have been some very excited children in Nursery this week!

After they had helped to decorate the Christmas Tree, we thought about the gift that the children would have taken for Baby Jesus if they had been able to go and visit him in the stable. 
Here a just a few of their ideas:

Oliver S - "A muffin - I think he's hungry!"

Jessica - "A princess"

Harley - "A baby dragon"

Violet - "A Christmas Tree"

Gethin - "A baby sister!" 

We thought all their ideas were great - what would you have chosen for your gift to take?

The children have also been very busy making their lovely decorations to hang on the tree and cards to give to their loved ones   . . . 

Now we are all looking forward to our Nativity play next week!


  1. Well done children and teachers, they look wonderful

  2. What a lot of work. Well done!
