Saturday 14 January 2017


We have been talking about the new 
Darwin Principle for this half-term . . .

We found out that starfish can create a new leg if they lose one. It takes time, but we can adapt and evolve from setbacks. 
If we think positively we can grow. 
Starfish have bouncebackability!
We took turns to pass the starfish around the group and told each other something that we can do well:

Albie - "I can share books"

Jasmine - "I really love to play"

Next we played the 'Keeping very quiet' game! We tried to pass the tambourine around the circle without making any noise - then tried to do it even more quickly and even more quietly!
By all trying hard and helping each other, we were able to achieve our goal!
The children thought about something that they would like to try and achieve and set their own 'learning goal' . . .

Harvey - "Kick a ball - in the goal"

Mila - "I want to be able to paint a house - I can't do it yet"

We are all going to try hard and help each other. If things go wrong, just like the starfish, we will 'bounce back' and keep going so that we can achieve our goal!

What would you choose to have 
as your special goal?

Let us know!

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