Saturday 21 April 2018

Rumble in the Jungle!

Welcome back following the Easter break.
This half-term we are going to have a 
jungle focus!
We started by looking at a famous painting by Rousseau - here are just a few of the comments made by the children when we talked about what they could see . . . 

Beau - "Leaves - they're green, they're orange - a jungle!"

Seth L - "It's got branches on the trees. Monkeys hang on trees. Tigers walk in the jungle"

Samuel W - "Tigers - there's stripes on them. There's trees, long grass, leaves - when there's wind the wind blows the leaves off!"

Olivia - "I'd like to pet the tiger - cause I like tigers, because it's nice and soft!"

We had lots of fun reading the story of 'Rumble in the Jungle' - afterwards we explored moving like the different animals and used the percussion instruments to create jungle sounds!  

The children at the start of the week chose their favourite jungle animal and thought about what they would need to have to lead a 
happy and healthy life . . .

The children at the end of the week  carried out a survey to find the most popular
jungle animal . . .  
How many children chose the giraffe?
What about the snake?
Which was more popular, the monkey or the lion?
Which animal was the most popular?

Which animal would you have chosen and why? Post us a comment and let us know!


  1. Wow great pictures 💕

  2. When I showed Seth the comment he had made on the jungle painting he couldn't stop smiling and he said 'yes I said that mummy'!
