Friday 28 June 2013

Gradually Growing!

We have been looking at the changes that have taken place with our sunflowers, and predicting what we think might happen next!

Here is a selection of what some of the children said:

Amelia W - "It was small. It's bigger with leaves. It will have a sunflower. It will be yellow."

Eloise A - "It was really small. A little seed. It's really big with leaves. It will turn into a sunflower with yellow petals."

Lily - "There was nothing there, it was a little seed. It looks bigger. it will turn into a sunflower. It will be black in the middle - the seeds, and the petals will be yellow."

Elliot - "Tiny - I put the seed in. It's a little bit grown, it's a little bit big. Spikey leaves! It will grow, it will be all big. More leaves, the sunflower will have petals - yellow."

Joel - "A little seed, then a shoot came out, got taller. Big flappy leaves, and a droopy leaf. Really tall now. A stem - hard and wet - been in the rain! Will turn into a sunflower - seeds and a flower and the petals will die - I'll be sad."  

How are your sunflowers doing? We would love to hear about the changes that you have noticed taking place and to know how tall they are now - perhaps you could send us some pictures?

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