Saturday 18 April 2015

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary!

It was lovely to see everyone again following the Easter holiday, and we started off the new term by sharing some of our favourite rhymes, including Henry bear's favourite . . .

Singing Mary, Mary got us thinking about our own gardens, and what we know about growing:

Ava S - "My blossom in my garden is very beautiful and it grows on the trees. It needs the sun 'cause it feels warm."

Cody - "Flowers grow when you give them flower seeds. If you don't water them they won't grow. I want to find out how they grow!"

Ellie F - "My mummy's flowers - they grow this much! (Ellie showed us with her hands) When the flowers grow, they need some sun"

Jamie - "I know how flowers grow, I grow them myself, my dad lets me. I grow them with seeds and then you give them some water and then they grow and it takes a long time. Put the seeds under the ground"

We thought about whether or not all the flowers would grow to be the same size in Mary's garden, and looked at five different flowers:

Amelia - "This one is big, this one is small, this one is the biggest, they're both big, (holding two up) this one is little!"

They then put them in order according to their height . . .

Evie - "Big one first and then a medium one, and then a little medium one and a tiny one and a teeny weeny one!"

Some of the other children also used 'short', 'tall', 'high' and 'long' to describe the flowers - how would you have described them?

Next week are going to plant some sunflower seeds to see how tall we can grow our own flowers!

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