Saturday 14 May 2016

The Queen's 90th Birthday Celebrations!

Last week when we had been looking at the Jewish Menorah, some of the children commented that they had candles on their birthday cakes. 
We reminded the children that the Queen had recently had her 90th birthday and that this weekend, there are going to be some special events taking place in London for her.
This is how some of the children thought the Queen might celebrate her birthday . . .

Missy - "She might have a party! She will get all of her friends"

Georgia - "She would dance - maybe Queen music!"

Sienna - "She would have a necklace for her birthday present"

We decided to have our own 
celebration for the Queen!
The children were invited to come to Nursery dressed in red, white and blue. We made red, white and blue bunting and we decorated crowns to wear. 
After looking at a selection of photographs of the Queen from a baby up until the present day, we enjoyed some cucumber sandwiches, and of course, we sang 'Happy Birthday'! 

Leyla - "It was the Queen's bithday. It's gonna be my daddy's birthday next. He gonna close his eyes and then open his presents!"

Willow - "The Queen might have some daffodils and have a birthday cake. I have a swimming pool party and when I get out of the pool there will be a birthday cake and there will be balloons and there will be bows on the house!"

Eli - "I will have party bags and party hats and I will have a birthday cake, a disco, slide and some presents!"

Oliver L - "When it's my birthday we go bowling and we don't make a birthday cake, we go and buy a birthday cake when I'm at my daddy's so I don't know which one it is!"

How do you and your family celebrate your birthday?
Let us know - we would love to hear from you. 


  1. Alfie really enjoyed the party for the queens birthday. He thought it was funny that the queen likes cucumber sandwiches!

  2. Zoe had lots of fun celebrating the Queens birthday. She especially enjoyed having a picnic. She thinks the Queen should have a Build-a-bear party!

  3. Leo loved celebrating the queens birthday, he wore his hat right up until bedtime and then again on Saturday! Looks like you all had lots of fun :)

  4. It looks like you've all had fun my sister keeps telling me about cucumber sandwiches. Caitlin oak
