Sunday 2 October 2016

Autumn Apples!

As so many of the children had enjoyed eating apples as part of their snack last week, we decided to focus on them during our adult-led activities this week!

'On the Farmer's Apple Tree' was a great number rhyme to start with!

We went for a walk on our school field to look at our own apple trees that are growing . . . 

We found two lovely apples!

It was fun doing some bark rubbings - can you see the pattern of the tree trunk beginning to appear? We have used our bark rubbings to create our own apple tree for our display!

We used some apples to print with too - how many can you see?

Afterwards, we shared some delicious apples to eat!

Have you got any apple trees growing in your garden? 


  1. What lovely photos :-)
    Well done nursery, you have been working really hard!!
    Has Joshua told you we have apple trees in our garden?
