Sunday 16 October 2016

Dingle Dangle Scarecrow!

We have been continuing to enjoy the 'Dingle Dangle Scarecrow' action rhyme!
He has a 'flippy floppy hat' but we didn't know what it was made from, or what his other clothes would look like.
Having read the story of 'Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!' last week, we decided that Mr McGreely could do with a scarecrow to help him protect his vegetables. 
The children have been selecting from a range of collage materials to help design one for him.
Here is just a small selection . . . 

Can you spot the rice?
How many colours can you see on his hat?
What has been used for his jacket?
Can you find the feather?
How do you think the different materials would feel on the children's fingers as they glued them on to their scarecrow?
Which materials would you use for your design?
Let us know!

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