Monday 3 March 2014

Whatever the Weather!

We have been really busy this week thinking about different types of weather! First of all, we considered what type of weather makes us feel happy, and then what makes us feel sad . . . 

Oliver PS feels happy when it is sunny, and sad when it's rainy.

Evan E is happy when it's snowing, but sad when there's thunder.

Harley is also happy when it's snowing, but sad when the wind blows him away!

We used the computer to make a pictogram to show our favourite type of weather! 

Can you see which was the most popular type of weather in each session? How many children chose windy weather? Which type of weather did nobody choose on Friday? How many children altogether chose sunny weather?

We also played a great game on CBeebies called 'Wacky Weather' where the children had to select the appropriate clothes for the weather conditions - click here to play it too!

When we went out on the field to explore the effects of the wind, Esme told us she could hear the wind blowing - and she could see the branches wriggling! 
We were so lucky - as well as hearing the wind, we also heard a woodpecker up in the trees!

We would love to hear about your favourite type of weather - let us know.

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