Sunday 13 September 2015

Welcome to The Autumn Term!

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of our new children, their families and friends - we are looking forward to getting to know you and hope that you are as excited as we are about starting out on our learning journey together!

It has been a lovely first week with lots of new faces - and for the children, lots of new places and activities to discover!

Here is just a snap-shot of some of the things we 
have been up to . . . 

Choosing our favourite colours and being creative . . .

Exploring the tyres and castle . . . 

Trying out the quoits and hoops . . . 
Bouncing and balancing . . . 

Enjoying the field and the playground . . . 

Being busy in Bramble Cottage!

And drawing lovely pictures . . . 
We have all had so much fun - and the term has only just begun!

Throughout the weeks ahead we would love to hear from you too, we look forward to reading your thoughts and comments about the things we have been up to!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you have all had a fun first week!
    Zoe's Mum
