Sunday 10 January 2016

In a Far Away Land . . .

For the fist half-term, we are going to have a focus on 'A Far Away Land'! 
We began by reading a great book with lots of characters from traditional tales, and we also acted out 'There was a Princess Long ago'!
The children shared their knowledge of the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, here are a couple of their responses . . .

Grace - "Goldilocks knocks on the door and there was nobody in and when she knocked the door her tummy was rumbling. She tried it (the porridge) and she said that one was too hot and then she tried the medium size 
and she ate it all up"

Colette - "The Three Bears went to the cottage then Baby Bear cried because Goldilocks had eat all the porridge!"

They also shared their knowledge of Little Red Riding Hood . . .

Lexie - "The Wolf ate Grandma, and the Wolf pretended to be Grandma"

Oliver BH - "The Wolf didn't eat Grandma - because she runned and jumped in the wardrobe!"

This led onto us talking about how there are many different versions of the same tale - we are going to try and share lots of different ones over the next couple of weeks!

Have you got a favourite version? We would love to know about it - post us a comment 
and let us know.

1 comment:

  1. Gracie loves Goldilocks bless her, she really enjoys to read at bedtime x
