Wednesday 1 June 2016

Our Jungle Plants Have Been Growing!

Back in April, we planted some seeds as we wanted to grow our own 'jungle'!
We haven't quite got there yet, but our plants have started to grow . . . 
Here is a selection of what some of the children noticed about their own plant's growth:

"It's big and it has growed a stem and 
1,2,3,4 leaves!"
"It will grow even more and get more leaves and be a sunflower" (Oliver BH)

"It's grown - there's only the leaves and the stem and it hasn't grown the sunflower bit yet"
"The sunflower bit will come, the round sunflower bit with petals" (Sienna)

"It's got tall and growed leaves"
"It will grow big and tall like a grown up and it will have a flower opened up lovely 
and be bright yellow"

"They've grown up, there's leaves and stem and they're green"
"Mine will get bigger and have red tomatoes"

"It's grown, there's some leaves come on it, but I can't see my sunflower yet!"
"When I come back here in ten sleeps it will have a sunflower" (Oliver L)

We are going to continue showing 'stickability' and look after our plants to help them to grow even more!

Which do you think will grow the tallest, our sunflowers, tomatoes or beans?

1 comment:

  1. What fabulous plants you're all growing. Leo's looking after his plant in our garden until he takes it back to school. Fingers crossed it will have lots of tomatoes on :)
