Thursday 4 May 2017

Mary, Mary Quite Contrary!

We have been singing this traditional rhyme, and thinking about what the children know already about 'growing' . . .
Here are just a few of their ideas:

Arlo - "You can get some water and tip it on the tree and the tomatoes grow."

Jenson - "You put a seed into a hole and then it will grow into a strawberry plant. You need to water it."

Zak - "When you put the seed in it makes it grow into a carrot."

Arlana - "The flowers grow in the garden with water. Butterflies smell them."

Sam - "You can grow a beanstalk. You give them some water - it will grow bigger."

William - "My grass grows in my garden. The sunshine lets it grow, and water."

We are going to incorporate all of these ideas into our new garden display board!

What do you like about your own garden? 
Let us know!

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