Friday 9 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Welcome back - we hope you had a lovely Christmas and would like to wish you all a very happy New Year!

This week the children have been very excited to be back, we have been thinking about how to keep our Nursery a safe and happy place to be. Everyone has made a 'New Year Promise' - these have been displayed on snowflakes which we have added to our 'Winter' display.

Here are just a few examples . . .

Corey - "I promise to share toys with my friends"

Lydia - "I promise to sit and listen carefully on the carpet"

Thomas W - "I promise to play nicely"

We would love to hear about the New Year Resolutions you have made!

The children have also been thinking about 'Winter' time:

Aaron - "Put your gloves on and your hat on, cause it's cold!"

Charlie - "We make a snowman, sticks and then a carrot for the nose. A scarf and a hat and some eyes. Pom poms make the eyes, sticks for the arms"

Louie C - "The snow melts. When it's hot the snow melts and it goes away"

Pastel drawing of a snowman!

Now we just need some snow so that we can build some snowmen - and then see what happens when they melt!

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