Wednesday 21 January 2015

Ice Cube Investigation!

Something very exciting has happened in Nursery - the children have received a letter from the Snowman! His pipes have frozen so he hasn't got any water to make a drink, but he has got some ice cubes in the freezer. 

The children were eager to help! We decided to investigate what would happen if the ice cubes were taken out of the freezer.

Tillie - "When I had ice cubes in my drink they melted!"

Louis P - "They will melt - cause it's hot. They're cold, they're hard. Really, really cold! It's melting already"
 (How do you know it's melting?) 
"Cause it's wet, it's dripping!"

Tillie - "Our hands are making it melt. It's dripping water. It's slippy"
(So where do you think the Snowman could put his ice cubes?)

Louis P - "On the radiator when it's hot!"
(Where else can you think of?)
"In our hands, then they can melt - cause our hands are warm!" 

Now the children are looking forward to writing back to the Snowman to offer him some advice!

1 comment:

  1. Ice fun sounds like you had a great time c
