Sunday 4 May 2014

Jasper's Beanstalk!

We have read a great story called 'Jasper's Beanstalk' by Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen! 

The children looked closely at a real bean and thought about what might be inside . . . 

Milena - "Maybe there's a tiny seed in there"

Freddie - "1,2,3,4 - four green leaves!"

Oliver P S - "Treasure - gold!"

Summa  - "A spider and a butterfly"

We thought the children might like to plant their own bean . . . 

First they wrote their name on a pot
Then they put some compost in

Next they made a hole for the bean to go in, and covered it up with more compost

Finally, they carefully watered it

Now we are waiting to see what happens!

Here are some of the children's predictions . . . 

Gethin - "It will grow in the pot, like a tree"

Evie - "It will grow into a giant plant"

Cameron - "Lots of leaves!"

Harley - "There will be a giant up there - it will grow into a beanstalk"

What do you think will happen to our beans?

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